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THERE are several ways of detoxifying the body, and one of the cheapest and most efficient ways to do so is to eat foods that have been proven to help the body heal and get rid of toxins.
Detoxification is necessary because it helps to support overall health by flushing out toxins and excess fat, so one's immune system is not compromised and weight loss is more achievable.

"Ladies like to have nice skin tone, but if the body is very toxic, then you will notice that the skin tone is not very good, so there are breakouts, and you can see little patches of brown -- it is not very clear," said nutritionist and fitness expert Donovan Grant. He also pointed out that, "If the rate at which food is coming in is less than the rate at which it is going out, and it is not broken down and passed out as faeces, then the tummy tends to get enlarged."
You do not have to spend thousands of dollars going to a spa to detoxify if you can't afford it. By eating a combination of the following foods regularly and eliminating refined flour and sugar from your diet, it's just a matter of time before you start having healthy looking skin and a flatter stomach.
1. Grapefruit

A grapefruit a day will help to keep free radicals at bay. Grapefruit is nutritionally dense and filled with vitamins and minerals that will help your body function efficiently. It also helps with the repair of body tissues and cells that have been damaged by years of poor eating. Grapefruit is also full of fibre, which will help to remove solid waste from your colon and keep you full, so you eat less.
2. Garlic

This herb has many uses and one of them is that it helps to remove toxins from the body that can cause chronic diseases. Garlic also has many antibiotic properties and the sulphuric compounds it possesses makes it an essential detoxifier. You can either chew the garlic raw or squeeze raw cloves on freshly prepared foods.
3. Fruits

A juice fast is a great way to detoxify the body. This is because fresh fruits help to address excess organic toxicity while at the same time providing the body with a lot of energy. Fruits also provide fibre which is necessary to assist with the removal of excretion from the colon. Citrus fruits such as oranges, for example, are great for detoxification because they enhance waste removal.
4. Cayenne pepper

Cayenne pepper is often one of the major ingredients in concoctions geared towards weight loss. The master cleanse diet, for example, is one such diet that promises instant and drastic weight loss. Cayenne pepper, it is said, helps to improve circulation, eliminate waste and rebuilds stomach tissue.
5. Green, leafy vegetables

Green leafy vegetables like spinach or callaloo and kale have a powerful dosage of vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients and antioxidants which make them excellent choices for detoxification. You can either eat these raw or you can blend them with other green vegetables such as string beans and cucumbers for a refreshing smoothie. Grant believes a green juice smoothie is an essential component of a detoxification programme.
6. Omega-3 oils (fish oil)

Omega 3 fatty acids are great for detoxification, because they assist with membrane rehabilitation and help the liver to function more effectively. Omega-3 fatty acids are derived from fish because the body is not able to produce enough of it on its own. A deficiency of this important nutrient contributes to obesity and skin problems, among other things.
7. Limes

Although citrus on a whole is good for detoxification because of the alkalising ability and the high levels of calcium and vitamin A, Grant suggests that those detoxifying should squeeze a half a lime in a cup of water and drink first thing on rising to help kick start the detoxification process.
8. Nuts and legumes

Nuts and legumes such as almonds, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds and lentils are good sources of fibre, essential fatty acids, vitamin E, protein and minerals, which make them excellent foods to eat while doing a detox cleanse.
9. Green tea

Two to three cups of green tea daily can help to fight bacteria and contribute to weight loss. Green tea also has antioxidants, which deter free radicals that damage cell protein.
10. Beetroot

These are loaded with vitamins and minerals and are powerful blood purifiers. In addition to aiding with constipation, ulcers and anaemia, beetroot also helps to stimulate the enzymes in the liver. It can be juiced or boiled, but regardless of how it is prepared, it is a good choice for detoxification.