e-mail: dancehallmixup@gmail.com

Do You Think Dancehall Artist Should Be fine For Explicit Language.

  Movies expose us to the most violence and some of the most popular curse words, yet no one had ever been arrested or fine for this even though I don't think anyone should be because democracy give us the freedom of speech and also the right to listen to what we want to the last time I check.

  I also think Jamaica was among the democratic countries too and that is why I find it difficult to understand why is it our entertainers are being fined and arrested for using curse words which are also used by policeman and woman which uses the same words themselves, violently to civilians all the time.

Our dancehall artistes are getting  paid to please there fans like any other entertainer including actors so if the event is being attended by fans who or grown adults and absolutely has no problem with them cursing I don't think it should matter to anyone else.

I am pretty sure the government of Jamaica has more important matters to address  than to send a group officers to listen for curse words and antagonize our entertainers who bring so many revenue to the country yearly.

 "Nicki Minaj Was Fined For Using Explicit At Sumfest" can someone give me a word to express how stupid  this article looks. If you are wondering if this is true, yes she was fined Jamaican $1000  at the Sumfest 2011 for using explicit. She didn't run inside a church and yelled a curse word in the middle of the service this was at "Sumfest" oneof the biggest Reggae Festival in the world

 I hope the relevant authority may look over this ridiculous law because this is not helping our entertainment industry it is more likely destroying our country.